I've been waiting months for a red tomato from my garden.
I have enjoyed a few cherry tomatoes,
(though the cat birds have enjoyed more.)
I've served up romas, and these pretty round yellow tomatoes- the size of tennis balls.
But there are still three plants holding out on me.
I planted them because it was a heirloom called "mortgage lifters."
They are big tomatoes, the kind you hold with two hands,
The kind you slice thick and drip down your chin when you bite into them.
They have been large and green for a long time.
Teasing me with their delicious possibilities.
Last week, I noticed a few had begun to flush.
They have soft pink flesh that is still too young to pick.
I watch their progress everyday,
Praying for their safety from the many creatures that lurk in my garden.
It has been a long time waiting for that first big red tomato.
I have a little belly now.
Not big enough for everyone to notice.
It peaks out of tighter shirts,
It blossoms slowly under my sundress.
Inside there are so many possibilities.
A life starting small and growing into something incredible.
But like my baby plants,
I need to wait in patience.
All I can do is carefully track its progress,
Pray for safety from so many unknowns,
And hope for sweet things to come.
But mostly all I have to do is wait.
Though I desperately want to see my child's face,
The sweetest things in life are worth waiting for.